Lesson Introduction
Alliteration is a fun way to get younger students exposed to poetry. Having students play with words that start with the same letter is a great addition to Early Literacy. It’s a fun and less formal way to teach students about naming words (nouns), describing words (adjectives) and action words (verbs).
Learning Objectives
In this lesson, students will have opportunities to:
- Read, discuss, and respond to alliteration poems and picture books.
- List words that start with the same letter.
- Classify words into nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.
- Write alliteration poems about animals and about themselves.
- Memorize and recite their alliteration poems.
- Use the Book Creator app to write their own alliteration picture book.
Materials and Resources
To teach this lesson, you will need:
- Many Marvelous Monsters by Ed Heck (Hard copy or You tube)
- word Bank folders
- iPads -- Book Creator App
- alliteration worksheet